Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thing 23

I cannot believe how much I have learned in such a short time. I have never felt such a need to connect the way I do now, not only with students, friends, colleagues, and strangers.

I was just chatting with a teacher yesterday about how "easy" students have it today. I remember well typing and typing away on a paper only to discover I had to edit, correct an error, and basically re-type the whole page AGAIN. I feel as if I could go back to college I could complete it in half the time.

I really have a need for the entire staff, including administration to take this course. I KNOW there is so much that has been presented in this course that could add to their curriculum and their lives.

The major thing I have taken away is that a lot of us are teaching using ancient methods while the world is FLYING by us. I am thinking of a Dr. Seuss quote..."Oh, the places you'll go" for some reason.

Educators need to take a look at what they can and cannot do within their classroom. I think you need innovative leadership to allow teachers to explore all of the instruments that have been presented to us within this class.

One feeling or emotion I suppose I feel is maybe what lottery winners feel when they find out they have the winning numbers. Just stunned at what is out there, knowing there is so much more to learn, and very possibly some of the things I have learned may already be "old."

Although my blog is not creative by any means, nor am I a writer, I feel COMPELLED to blog. I almost feel as though my tiny bit of creativity that lurks somewhere in my mind has been nudged and stimulated to grow. I think I have been really stagnant for a long time and it reminds me of how I felt when I was a new teacher in my 20's.

I will take away the feeling of wanting to explore more than ever and possibly enroll in classes to learn more of the basics of computer technology. I have a very small class of special ed. students for language arts and I am churning over ideas figuring out where I should start!! I also want to take teachers and show them things I have learned. But, because there is no time to do this, I will highly recommend they take this class. PLEASE offer it as much as you can!

I know a lot of hard work went into putting this course together and I appreciate it. It's been a while since I have gotten excited about any course!!

I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your successful completion of 23 Things! Looking back at your Thing 1 post, it makes me smile to read:

    * I have a lot to learn - you're on your way!
    * I will not be defeated - you weren't.
    * I want to be able to keep up with my students - a lofty goal for all of us.
    * There is so much I do not know, but I am willing to learn - you've proven that!
    * I am beyond amazed at what technology is out there - me too.
    * I wish I didn't work, had an endless supply of money so that I could learn all day!! - Ditto!

    You've done a great job and stuck with it all when it didn't seem too easy. Thanks for your participation.
